It's already November?? Time is flying by. My biggest update is that I'm going back to work next week. You heard right, next week! My plans of going back in December changed so I'm in bigtime to-do list mode trying to get our lives in order before I add one more thing to my plate. Mom's must have super powers or something.
October was such a fun month. We celebrated Forrest's birthday, Davis' Baptism, met our new cousin, Drew, had a visit from Laney, and had fun dressing up for Halloween. For Forrest's birthday we took a mini vacation down in Rockport. Besides running a fever for two nights and the boat breaking down, we had a great time! I only have pictures of a few of our October celebrations because we bought a new camera and I have no clue how to download pictures. 

Fun day in Fredericksburg...

Duke doesn't look too happy...
A fun visit from Laney...
I've got rights!
Meeting Drew, Nicole and Tim's baby...

Alamo Heights football game with Brandon...
Lunch with Kelly...
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