Our little man is growing...and growing! My favorite time with him is first thing in the morning. The first thing we do is stretch. I unwrap him from his cozy little swaddle and immediately his hands fly up and his back arches, making his little booty stick out. Adorable. Then we say good morning and the boy is all smiles! I usually place Davis in his crib with the mobile going or on his play-mat in the rain-forest so I can get dressed and brush my teeth (no time for anything else). The it's off for our walk. Davis loves the Baby Bjorn and is so happy looking around as we take Duke for a walk through the neighborhood. By the time we come home he's worn out and goes down for a short little nap. The rest of the day consists of eating, diaper changes, play-time, and more naps. I try to get in a nap too, but usually I try to catch up on email or laundry. If I would have known a baby multiplies the amount of laundry I would have invested in a quality washer and dryer. Ours takes forever to dry clothes!
What to Wear for Pumpkin Patch Photos
5 months ago
Oh my gosh look at that face!!!! I see so much of you in him Tina! He is too cute and I cannot wait to kiss those cheeks (his, not yours:)
I love hearing about your everyday things! You are such a wonderful mommy to that sweet boy!!
And yes, I agree with Melissa- that picture is SO sweet!
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