Here's a pic of the 4 triathletes after the Danskin 08:

I'm even more excited because we are raising money again this year for the Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund. Mark Felice was a close family friend, especially of Ann Marie. Here's his story:
Mark Stephen Felice was born on March 22, 1986, in Camden, New Jersey. He grew up outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Even as a very young boy, he was drawn to idolizing heroes who pushed themselves to the limits to do the right thing in any situation. He continuously surrounded himself with people, from his parents to his friends, who embodied the same amazing hearts as his idols. In middle school Mark moved to Austin, Texas; all along he searched to live life to it's fullest. Soccer was always one of his favorite pastimes and although he was not the star of the team, he would preserve to play as hard as he possibly could. Mark's goal was to motivate the other players to do their best on and off the field. Mark continued to high school, when it was discovered after a wake boarding accident that he had Rhabdomyosarcoma, a solid tumor found in the base of his skull. Even through radiation, chemotherapy and a relapse, Mark pushed to be out with his friends and family, wake boarding and on the soccer field. Two weeks before he passed away, he attended his senior year Homecoming dance. Mark died on October 15, 2003 with his friends and family that he had touched and shown what life had to offer, surrounding him. All that Mark Felice wanted was for no other child to go through the trials of cancer. He wanted every child to be a normal kid with his or her life in front of him or her and goals within reach.
We hope we can raise enough money this year to help children going through the trials of cancer. Check out our triathlon blog if you're interested in signing up for a triathlon and want some training tips or if you're interested in donating. We even have cute t-shirts you can purchase!
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