Things have been a little crazy lately, as you probably already guessed by my lack of blog posts, but I have been keeping track of a couple things that make us melt and laugh...
To a new neighbor kid we just met, Davis asked, "You nice or you mean?" Guess it's a good thing to figure out before attempting friendship.
Talking about not getting out of bed till the sun comes up, "The sun and the moon are like a seesaw, one goes up and the other goes down."
At church, I was explaining Father Kevin's homily about looking inside your heart. I asked Davis, "what does your heart look like?" He looked down at his chest and told me quite frankly, "mom, I can't see my heart."
When we left church, the bells were ringing. Davis asked a question and answered it himself. "Who's ringing the bells? I think it's God."
Reading books the other night..."Mom, why do we only read three books at bedtime?" My reply, "because you're three years old." Davis asked, "How old are you mom?" Ummm "31." Davis then said, "Do you get to read four books?"
Davis asked me to tell him a story about bugs the other night. So I came up with a story about ants digging tunnels in their home. They were using shovels in my story, which is when Davis interrupted me, "Mom, ants don't use shovels to dig. They dig with their mouths." Ok ok ok, smartypants! I actually googled "how do ants dig" to find out if he was right...some ants use their mouths, some use their claws.
What to Wear for Pumpkin Patch Photos
5 months ago
What a cutie!!
I LOVE these posts!! So sweet!
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