Thursday, March 28, 2013

Rodeo Roundup

The San Antonio rodeo came and went and so did the Houston rodeo. We were so lucky this year to get some amazing seats and hang out with close friends. I must admit, being a fan and loyal attendee to the rodeo is a little exhausting. Weeknight after weeknight, eating greasy food, and staying up late is not so easily done as it was in my twenties. And that was just the evenings, because I'm pretty sure every day the rodeo was in town Davis put on his cowboy boots and asked to go! We made it through rodeo season and I have some lovely fuzzy iphone pics to document the entire experience!

Eli Young Band

Petting Zoo
Pony Ride

Band Perry night!

Band Perry
Gary Allen

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ironman Inspiration

Do you have people that inspire you? I think it's amazing what people can accomplish if they train. Not in a milllllliooon years would I have thought I could do a triathlon. The idea was daunting, especially since I didn't even know what it was. That was 6 years ago, now I'm completely hooked and I know it's time to step up the distance, which is doable, if I train.

I thought I would share these two awesome Ironman stories with you from two women I know. One is the Tough Cookies trainer and one is my mom's friend and trainer. They both competed in the Los Cabos Ironman and one of them qualified for the big kahuna, the olympics of triathlons, the super bowl of triathlons: KONA. Read on to hear their stories and be inspired!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hunting Eggs

This past weekend we went to an Easter egg hunt out in Blanco at a friend's ranch. Gorgeous weather, delicious food, a beautiful home, 300 eggs, candy galore, bouncy castles, trailer rides...need I say more?!?

Before letting the kids run wild for the eggs, we tried to fill them up. I don't know what Davis loves more, the taste of Pirate's Booty or just saying "Pirate's Booty!"

A couple of my high school friends were at the party too, Christina (with me in the picture below) has a little 2 year old boy, Wills.

The eggs were "hidden" in a fenced-in yard, so the kids all lined up outside the gate before the official hunt. Davis could NOT contain his excitement.

And...they're off! 
My parents came out for the Easter fun. Davis loved showing Papa Tom his eggs, he especially loved the cupcake egg!

An impressive picture of all the egg hunters

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Davis' teacher sent me this picture on Monday, he wrote his own name! 
That is one proud little smile there!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Like Flamingos?

It's that wonderful time of year again...time to swim, bike, and run all day long every day for 3 months! Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

More importantly and the reason we find motivation to compete in triathlons is to raise money in honor of Mark Felice. Our goal this year is to raise $8,000!

A new and fun way to raise money and awareness for the Mark Felice Childhood Cancer Fund is to elect to have your yard/friend's yard flocked by pink flamingos!!! If you're in Austin, automatically you have to love flamingos, right? So thought I would share my sister's blog and pass on this fun flocking, open for anyone in Austin!

You've Been flocked!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What comes outta Davis' mouth...

Things have been a little crazy lately, as you probably already guessed by my lack of blog posts, but I have been keeping track of a couple things that make us melt and laugh...

To a new neighbor kid we just met, Davis asked, "You nice or you mean?" Guess it's a good thing to figure out before attempting friendship.

Talking about not getting out of bed till the sun comes up, "The sun and the moon are like a seesaw, one goes up and the other goes down."

At church, I was explaining Father Kevin's homily about looking inside your heart. I asked Davis, "what does your heart look like?" He looked down at his chest and told me quite frankly, "mom, I can't see my heart."

When we left church, the bells were ringing. Davis asked a question and answered it himself. "Who's ringing the bells? I think it's God."

Reading books the other night..."Mom, why do we only read three books at bedtime?" My reply, "because you're three years old." Davis asked, "How old are you mom?" Ummm "31." Davis then said, "Do you get to read four books?"

Davis asked me to tell him a story about bugs the other night. So I came up with a story about ants digging tunnels in their home. They were using shovels in my story, which is when Davis interrupted me, "Mom, ants don't use shovels to dig. They dig with their mouths." Ok ok ok, smartypants! I actually googled "how do ants dig" to find out if he was right...some ants use their mouths, some use their claws.