This past weekend we thought about going to Austin and we thought about going to the farm, but Saturday morning at 5am I heard Davis. I went in, expecting wet PJs or a dropped paci, instead poor baby was burning up. I took his temp, gave him some Motrin, and held him till 9am. The past couple of months Davis has had a couple ear infections and after seeing him tug on his ears, I was sure it was another one. We went to the on-call doctor, it wasn't his ears, but a viral infection of his throat. The doctor explained that when toddlers have a sore throat, they will sometimes tug on their ears. Who knew! So instead of leaving town or even leaving the house, we had a quiet weekend at home. The doctor suggested mixing Maalox and Benadryl to sooth his sore throat. Davis also got to enjoy his first Popsicle! He kept telling me it was coooold. Because I don't have any pictures from the weekend, I will leave you with some random ones...
What to Wear for Pumpkin Patch Photos
5 months ago
He is too cute :) Makes me excited for our Davis to be here!
OH my goodness!!! I'm dying laughing at that fist picture!!! I LOVE that robe! Ha ha ha! Where did you get that?
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