Dear Davis,
You are 20 months old today and closing in on your 2
nd birthday! You are growing up so fast and although you are a toddler, I still call you my baby. I can already tell you have such a sweet spirit. You give lots of hugs (even to people you just met) and you are so kind to other kids at the park. You are also very agreeable and do what you're told (most of the time) when we explain something to you. For example, you LOVE to feed Duke. If you had it your way, Duke would get fed at least 10 times a day, preferably handing him piece by piece (possibly sneaking in a piece for yourself when I'm not looking). I just have to simply explain to you that it's not time to feed Duke and you happily put the lid back on the dog food.
Duke and you are best buds (most of the time). He loves that you throw the ball to him, bring him sticks to chew on, and make sure his water bowl is full (oh what a mess)! He's not the biggest fan of cuddling with you, I think your hugs are attempts to pick him up, so he usually walks away. You always want him to join you, especially when you're on the big bed. You pat the bed with your hand and say, "Dukie?"
You're number one favorite thing to do is go outside! You have a wagon, swing, toy car, basketball hoop, table, and a roller coaster in the backyard. We did some painting at your table this past week and the paper looked just as pretty as you did! You had blue lips! When you ride the roller coast, I say "one," you say "two," I say "three," and you say "go!" You also love going to the park near our house. At the park, you have no fear at all! You go down the biggest slide without a hint of fear while I have a slight heart attack due to my own fear of heights. The park has a basketball hoop where the big boys play and that is where you actually prefer spending your time. Daddy taught you to bend your knees before you shoot and you picked that up very quickly! You are completely fearless, you will do anything! You love rides, going fast, jumping off steps, swimming, etc. I have to keep my eye on you all the time!
You have been such an easy baby (what does this mean for baby #2??). Every transition we've had to make was done with ease. You took a bottle, switched easily to cold milk, ate anything I put in front of you, you love brushing your teeth, didn't mind when I made the paci a nap thing only, etc. Let's hope you keep up this trend when it's time to potty train! On the flip side, you have had a ton of ear infections, but we don't need to go down that road.
Our bedtime routine is my favorite thing right now (I say right now because I feel like every couple of months it's a new routine). You kiss daddy and Dukie goodnight and we head to your room to read a couple books. The number really depends on how quickly you flip through them. You have a million books on the shelf, but always bring me the same ones: Woof Woof, My Little Word Book, Trucks, Goodnight Moon, Very Hungry Caterpillar (this one we usually read 3-4 times), and Monsters in the Bathroom. After reading, we turn off the lights and you just let me hold you. At almost 30 pounds it's getting tough, but I soak up every minute. Then you let me know when you're ready to get in your crib with Mickey Mouse, a paci, and your giraffe lovey. I pat your back and blow you a kiss. Sometimes if I don't get out the door quick enough, you drop your lovey on purpose because you know I'll turn around and pick it up for you. Sneaky!
You love to repeat people. Annie took you to the Children's Museum the other day and she said you shouted "all aboard" after hearing another little girl say it. The other 'shout' phrases you like are: Go! Touchdown! Bath Time! and Goal! When I say, it's bedtime, you tell me, "a boo," which means "a book." When you hear airplanes you point in the sky and say, "airpane," then you put your arms out and make a swooshing noise. The other day I started singing the ABC's and you started singing them in Spanish. You are only at B, but being bilingual is so impressive!
Your dad and I cannot remember (and don't want to) what life was like without you. You complete us and remind us what's really important in life.
Muah! Love Mom