Tuesday, February 1, 2011

B Words & More

Davis is a big fan of saying words that start with the letter B. Here are a few he loves to say: Bird, Ball, Boat, Balloon, Bath and Bed.

We are also big on manners. Davis says please and thank you. Although these sound more like peas and da du.

He has started to put words together and form big boy sentences! Like: Go out there. What's this? Bath time.

Repeating mama and dada is also a lot of fun. The other day Forrest threw his hands in the air and exclaimed, "YES!" So guess who copied him? Time to be a little more careful with what we say :)

Discipline hasn't been a huge issue with Davis. He responds to no (he has started shaking his finger and saying, "no no no" when he knows he's done something bad) and timeout seems to have an impact. Last night I asked him if he wanted to go to timeout, Davis responded, "Yeah." He then proceeded to run to his timeout corner. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad sign. He knew where to go, but almost seemed excited to go. Hmm!?! Right now he usually goes to timeout for playing with Duke's water bowl or throwing his own food.

Davis loves dragging Duke's bed from our room into the living room.

No box is too small!

We went to the San Antonio boat show this weekend, the obsession is starting a little early.

Dog Pile!


Courtney Squillante said...

What sweet sweet pictures!! I need to see that precious boy!!!

Unknown said...

Tina, he is just TOO cute!! I love picturing him throwing his hands in the air like his dad..."YES!!!" Hope you guys are doing wonderfully. Love to you!