You saw my first post, about NY as a girl's trip and all the touristy stuff. But there was a whole other side to the trip too!!! Ann Marie and I stayed with one of my college friends, Melissa, who lives on the upper west side in the most PRECIOUS apartment. In fact, the lobby of her place was used in a Sex and the City shoot as Miranda's place. She has the sweetest elevator men who know all the scoop in the building which provided great entertainment on our way up to the 8th floor. Below her apartment is a Victoria Secret and across the street is an adorable little grocery store with fresh flowers along the outside. It's just adorable! Melissa was a wonderful hostess and met up with us in between shopping sprees and our day of touring. We helped Melissa celebrate her birthday with a fun night of fact it was all night. We were up till 4am, can't remember the last time I did that. I'm usually up at 4am, but for a different reason, Davis! Speaking of Davis, I missed him terribly. This was my first big trip away from him. Forrest and him got to have guy time and really bond. I think it was good for both of them to know they can survive without mommy. I made it through with multiple phone conversations and even a video chat!
On our way to the play!

After a wonderful dinner at Extra Virgin!
The way to hail a cab!

Melissa Dancing on stage!
The band gave Melissa a shirt!

My cousin-in-laws, Blaine and Eva, both live in New York, so they met up with us!