Davis is growing and growing by the minute! He's almost 10 pounds and already wearing some of his 6 month clothes! Davis is sleeping pretty well (or maybe I'm just getting used to no sleep). He usually gives me about 4 straight hours of sleep a night and another good 4 hour nap in the afternoons. Other than that he's wanting to eat every 3 hours and is usually awake (or in and out of sleep). He's a happy baby. Davis loves his swing, his bouncy chair, the paci, and bath time.
We have started to research day cares and nannys. I plan on going back to work in December. It's a tough decision, because I know being a stay-at-home mom is the most rewarding job in the world, but I also miss my work. I am looking forward to getting back to work and catching up with my co-workers, but I dread someone else looking after Davis.

Awww, poor baby! Feel better!!
Oh honey!! I know how all that yuckiness can go... it is not very much fun at all :( You are doing a great job - sweet Davis looks so cute in his bath!
Name your price....:)
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