Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Christmas is almost here and I still haven't posted any pictures from Halloween! These pictures are post-poned until I take my computer into the Apple store because I accidentally slipped the memory card into the DVD slot instead of the memory card slot. Oops.

The good news is, I still have pumpkin patch pictures! I was in Austin one beautiful weekend in October for a friend's baby shower. While in town, we met up with some friends at an adorable pumpkin patch for the ultimate attempt at capturing the perfect picture!

Happy baby shower!!!

Davis loves baby showers as long as there are cupcakes involved!

Trying to impress Molly!

My parents...entertaining Davis and the rest of us!

An attempt at a group photo...

...never gonna happen!

Taking home as many as I can carry!

Davis and Aunt Ann Marie.

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