I love school holiday parties. Any chance to go "all out" with a theme, I'm in! This year I signed up to help with the Halloween party at Davis' school! Planning was just as much fun as throwing it, probably because we planned over a glass of wine.
Small world because the other mom from Davis' class who signed up to help actually went to high school with me. Way back in the day our mom's planned my junior prom together! So we thought it would be fun to get our moms involved again, get their creative brains working again, and invite them to the party!
Due to my insane schedule in October, when I say "I" signed up for the Halloween party, I should really say "I signed my mom up!" She did all the prep work and I just drove us there.
We had mummy juice, marshmallow teeth, worms, and fingers as snacks! Then we read a scary monster book and had the kids decorate monster puppets!
Then the entire school had a parade in the courtyard and the kids dressed up as different characters from books. Davis' class was the Lonely Beast.