We love July birthdays around here (yes, I realize it's well into August by now)!! Davis turned 3 and he could not have been more excited about his big day! The second he realized it was July (i.e. when the Disney channel announced, "it's July") he came bouncing into my room screaming with sheer delight, "Mom, mom, it's July, it's my birthday!" I was so proud he realized it was July and knew it was his birthday. I then realized I needed to also teach him that July has 31 days and he still had 27 days of July till his actual birthday. Sweet boy, July went by way too slow.
On his actual birthday I took the day off from work and we did whatever he wanted to do, which happened to be things I love to do too! We went on a walk, to Starbucks, to the park, lunch with his friends (and mine), to Target, and ended the day with dinner at Nana and Pop's.
He made us sing 3 times! |
Ladder Golf! |
His birthday party was the next day at our neighborhood pool. For the entire two hours, he climbed up the stairs and flew down the slide! Over and over and over again. According to him, he's a big boy now and doesn't need a life jacket. He is a pretty good swimmer. We had swim lessons the week before his birthday and since then, he's been diving inn and swimming to the side by himself!
Shooting out of the slide! |
Serving everyone some fruit! |
The Baker's came! |
The Adcocks, sweet Emery is a huge fan of the water! |
Uncle Mark! |
Thomas cake made by my mom and sister! |
Davis with all the boys! |
Time for the adults to try the slide! |
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