About a month ago, my sister Ann Marie accepted a job with IBM! She sadly told Dell she was leaving, but was super happy to have an entire month off. What do you do with all that time off? Well, she shopped for some new work clothes, visited family and friends, moved into her new apartment (with my dear friend Melissa, I'm a little jealous), and decided to convince her sister (me) to take a couple days off work and go somewhere they could just lay around on the beach all day. Fabulous idea and it really didn't take all that much convincing. That same day the convincing occurred, we had flights booked and a hotel reservation on South Beach, thanks to Kelly's recommendation and recent vacay there herself. It is hurricane season after-all, so was Miami the right choice? I didn't allow myself to check the weather. Okay, I checked it once or twice and each time it showed a beautiful beaming sun covered up with a huge storm cloud. Rain or shine we decided we would enjoy the time off and find some way to relax. No more checking the weather, if there was a hurricane, I would find out about it at the airport as they turned me away from the gate.
This was my second long trip away from Davis and I was so sad to say good-bye to him, but knew he would be in good hands with my mom. She cleared her entire calendar for 4 days to devote her days to him and they had a blast. More on their time together in a bit...
Ann Marie and I arrived in Miami with plenty of time to enjoy the sun, walk on the beach, and have a fantastic dinner. We planned our vacation that night, deciding to lay on the beach the next two full days. And that is what we did. Rain? Maybe one tiny tiny drop while we were having lunch under an awning. A couple clouds yes, but it was actually nice not to have the hot sun beating down on you. I know Florida is tropical and it's typical to have an afternoon shower or two, but we truly lucked out. Each morning Al on the Today Show would say, sunny and beautiful in California, hot in Texas, and rain in Florida. But we never saw the rain. Thank goodness! Miami might be a party city, but this trip was all about the relaxing. We did a lot of sleeping and it felt great! I missed seeing Davis every morning and I still managed to wake up on his schedule at 6:30am, but I made myself stay in bed at least till 8am. Thinking of it now, if Davis had been around as my alarm clock in college, I would have made a lot more of my 8am classes.
When we landed back in Texas I was so anxious to see Davis! He had settled nicely into his new routine with my mom. She would take him to her boot camp classes in the mornings. She would run laps with him and then hand him over to the instructor while she did conditioning. He loved it! I think he especially loved all the attention from the ladies, he's a bit of a flirt. I think what he enjoyed most was all the delicious food my mom made him. I find I make the same boring things each week and he was thrilled to be trying new food and a ton of it with my mom.
Here are some pics from our little get-away: