Davis took his first flight this past weekend. We didn't go too far, just an hour plane ride to Dallas. Because it was his first flight and I was going without Forrest, I was super nervous. So I decided to do a little online research on how best to prepare for flying with a 6 month old. Here's what I found and wanted to share:
Staying Sane:
1) Take lipstick and a small mirror in your hand luggage - if you're having a bad time, take two minutes and give yourself a pep talk in the mirror
2) Be prepared to lose stuff (and don't fuss if you do)
3) Keep smiling at the baby
4) Ignore rude people
What to Wear:
1) Dress your child in distinctive clothing to avoid losing him in the crowds
2) Wear discrete nursing clothes
3) Go for comfort and forget about style
4) Wear spunky clothes and big dark glasses so that the other passengers think you are someone famous
So to sum it up, I will be wearing a crazy outfit with big sunglasses while carrying a child in neon green and giving myself pep talks in my little makeup mirror!
All in all, it was a great trip. I think we had more problems with security than the actual flight. I had to walk Davis through with me, so with him in one arm, I used the other to unlock and fold his car seat and stroller for the x-ray machine. People tried to help me, but those strollers are tricky. I'm glad we bought one that was easy to fold with one arm and a swift kick of the foot. We walked through the metal detector one too many times. His pacifier clip set it off, my five bracelets (that I wore as entertainment for Davis) set if off, and then...of course...they made me take off Davis' shoes!
While on the plane, there was plenty to do. He loved people watching and looking out the window. He quietly set in my lap the entire flight playing with different toys. Here he is sitting all by himself on the plane, such a big boy:

When we arrived in Dallas, Cara and Courtney picked us up from the airport and we headed straight to Erin's house. She just had her second baby, little man Cullen. His older sister Claire was napping, but when she woke up Davis and I were invited to play in her PINK kitchen. We made pizza, grilled some veggies on the stove, enjoyed a steak and fish sandwich and had cake and cupcakes for dessert.
Dallas was a winter-wonderland. It was Davis' first time to see snow, and a ton of it! Dallas was covered in snow for a couple of days last week and we caught the tail end of it. All the kids had stayed home from school and everyone's yard had a snowman! Living in Texas, we aren't always prepared for this kind of weather so of course power lines were out and many of the schools were shut down. We were glad we were able to fly in!