We took Davis to
Rockport over Labor Day Weekend. This is a HUGE deal for us. My family and Forrest's family have been going to
Rockport since before both of us were born. Our moms both vacationed in
Rockport while pregnant with us. Every summer memory for us involves fishing, swimming, and eating trout. Forrest and I are still trying to figure out how we NEVER met in
Rockport. It's not like it's a big town. Nevertheless, I'm sure our paths did cross.
Davis' first visit to
Rockport wasn't exactly boat rides, fishing, and hours in the sun. He never left the condo! He was only 6 weeks, so he can't really be out in the sun and I was worried about the mosquitoes. You should have seen the whelps on Ann Marie!!! Luckily it was boat rides, fishing, and hours in the sun for Forrest and I. Aunt Dede and Uncle Mike were also down there (so were Claire and Michael) and they insisted on watching Davis while Forrest and I canal hopped and went to the beach. It was a wonderful break!
When we arrived at the condo, Dede had decorated it with balloons, streamers, and a welcome sign for Davis. Michael had picked out a fishing pole for Davis and put together his first REAL tackle box. We didn't really bring a ton of toys for our 6 week old, so Dede and Mike made a
mobile out of phone chargers hanging from the ceiling fan. They tied the toys we did bring to the chargers. It was hilarious!
Welcome to Rockport!
Gotta have the right shoes!
Nap time with Great Uncle Mike!