Our Halloween weekend didn't go quite as planned. We were supposed to have a blast at the school Fall Fling, Forrest was supposed to go fishing, and I was supposed to go to Renee's wedding dress fitting.
Friday evening did start out fun at the Fall Fling. Davis' school hosted a great carnival with pony rides, a train, a bouncy castle, food galore, and lots of fun. We were there having A BLAST and then the next thing we know, we are riding in an ambulance to Methodist Children's Hospital.
Davis is ok, thank goodness! Another little boy at the Fall Fling ran into Davis and knocked him to the ground, Davis hit the back of his head on the concrete. Other than screaming horribly, we thought he was okay. But when we put him down to walk, he couldn't. It was the scariest feeling in the world. He seemed dizzy and couldn't find his balance. To make sure the injury wasn't serious, once we got to the hospital, the doctor ordered a CAT scan. Davis was such a big boy and so brave through the entire experience (unlike his mom who couldn't stop crying). He enjoyed the ambulance ride, there was so much to look at in the back of that truck. He loved the wheel chair ride up and down elevators to take us to the CAT scan. And he even liked the CAT scan because I made a huge deal out of the "big O" he was about to go through. He hasn't stopped talking about it.
Fall Fling Train Ride! Before the boo boo...
After the boo boo, at the hospital.
Davis was getting sleepy, but was making us laugh!
And after a long weekend with sleepless nights reliving the boo boo, we had a faBOOlous Halloween! I got Davis dressed in his Mickey costume and told him to go look in the mirror. As soon as he saw himself dressed as Mickey, the giggles and squeals wouldn't stop! He kept shouting "I'm Mickey!!!" while pointing to himself! We went to a neighborhood Halloween party, then to Nana and Pop's house, and then back to our street to do a little trick or treating! Davis was great at going up to each house, knocking on the door, saying trick or treat, reaching for one piece of candy, and saying thank you. He carried his pumpkin bucket the entire time! There were a couple spooky houses and scary costumes, but Davis wasn't phased by them at all.

When the trick or treating was done, I thought we were headed home to crash in bed! Instead we decided to sit on the porch and hand out candy to the late nighters. I can't decide what Davis liked more...getting candy or giving candy. As kids came up to our porch, Davis would squeal, and loved filling their buckets with handfuls of candy.
Davis really really really enjoyed Halloween. He loved everything about it from the color orange, to the pumpkin patch, to the witches in the trees...I'm scared to put away all our decorations for fear of a Halloween withdrawal. We put away our Halloween book and have started to read the Thanksgiving Gobble Gobble book with hopes that he will love turkeys as much as witches!