I can't even remember what life was like before Davis, and honestly I don't want to. He's a complete joy and time with him is the highlight of our day. I love watching him grow and learn, but I also can't believe how fast it's happening. Sometimes I miss how tiny he used to be and I miss holding him all the time. With each passing month I find new stages to love and new things that bring a smile to my face. At 15 months, this is what Davis is up to:
- Weighs 22 pounds and is 31 inches long (big growth spurt since our last check up). Fits well in 12 month clothes and starting to fit in his 18 month stuff, but it's still pretty baggy. He wears size 5 shoes. Not a fan of hats or sunglasses, always takes them off.
- Walking and climbing everywhere. Expert at climbing stairs and starting to get the hang of wiggling himself backwards down the stairs. We've had the usual accidents, bumps and bruises mostly. We did have one horrible fall on tile that caused a cut above his eye.
- Drinking 2% milk, at least 18oz a day out of a sippy cup or cup with straw. Bottles are gone! Except for when he's sick, then I love to hold him and give him a bottle. He can drink out of a cup, but needs help not spilling it!
- Is a bit of a picky eater. The best way to get veggies in him is to give him one of those pureed packaged vegetables that he literally drinks like a smoothie! He's a huge fan of any carb and most fruits!
- His pacifier is only for naps and bedtime, with an occasional car ride.
- Loving his new car seat and sitting forward!
- Signing: eat, more, all done, bath, milk, hot
- Nods his head for 'yes'
- Words: Mama, Dada, Dukie, Thank you (da), Please (peas), Out there (ow der), Ball (ba), Baby (ba), makes the sound a puppy dog makes when panting
- Seems to understand most things that we tell him and will respond to you asking him to come here, go there, do that, etc.
- Sleeps from 7pm to 7am with two naps during the day
- Loves to brush his own teeth, of which he only has 4
- Right now he loves Mickey Mouse (esp dancing to the hot dog song), playing with Duke, going outside for wagon rides or swinging, and is obsessed with his cozy coup! He still loves bath time (squeals with excitement and goes to grab his towel) but would rather stay outside than go in for a bath.
- Waves hello and good-bye. Blows kisses! Gives good-night kisses to Daddy and Duke. Gives the sweetest hugs!