Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hey Buster!

It's Saturday. Football day! But what do you do when you're going a little stir crazy in your house? You head to Dave and Busters. Sure the food is pure c**p and I'm sure germs are crawling all over those games (I'm getting better), but it's an outing that satisfies the kid's need to explore new things and the husband's need to watch football.

We had such a fun weekend...starting with the park and feeding the ducks on Friday, then football watching and french fries eating on Saturday followed by a movie night, and a relaxing Sunday doing yard work, grocery shopping, and grilling. As for the movie, we saw The Town and I LOVED it. It's Forrest's birthday "week" so I let him pick the movie. I was crossing my fingers for Social Media, but was pleasantly surprised by the new Ben Affleck flick. Okay, not so new. I think it came out three weeks ago, but I don't keep up with stuff like that!

So I throw this perfectly good bread to those ducks down there? Lesson for mommy, make sure you take good bread (not old or moldy) just in case baby decides to eat it too!

Yeah right, I would rather eat it myself!

Going across the bridge like a big boy!

Dave and Busters!

Playing a game with mommy!

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